Submission process:
● The author prepares the manuscript according to the request notice.
● Write according to the specified format and page limits.
● Register and Submit manuscript by the deadline through the online system dsignated by the workshop or by email
● The workshop organizer will assign the submissions received to members of the Technical Program Committee (who will remain anonymous) for review.
● Reviewers score and provide feedback based on criteria such as quality, relevance and innovation.
● According to the results of the review, the organizer decides which manuscripts to recommend for submission to which journals.
● A notification is sent to the author, who submits the article to the corresponding journal system.
● The author modified and improved the manuscript according to the review comments of the journal.
● Article accepted.
Note: All supporting journals are subjecting submissions to the double-blind peer-review process. The decision on publication will depend on the peer-review process. Accordingly, a guarantee for publication will not be issued before making the submission and completion of the review process. But the article recommended by the conference greatly increases the chance of acceptance.
The topics include (but not limited to as followings):