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Prof. Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf

Prof. Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf graduated from the University of Malaya in Malaysia and did postdoctoral research at Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan. Subsequently, he served as senior lecturer and doctoral supervisor of the Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Malaysia, and special professor and doctoral supervisor of China University of Geosciences. He is the operations director of the International Society for Water, Air and Soil Conservation (INWASCON). Managing Editor for Geology, Ecology & Landscapes (Taylor & Francis, Scopus Q1). His Scopus h-index was 39 and his WOS h-index was 28. His honors include: 2023 Elected Fellow, INWASCON Fellow, and Stanford's top 2% of global scientists.



Prof. Zhenling Liu

Prof. Zhenling Liu is the associate professor at the School of Management, Henan University of Technology and is charge of teaching the courses, including"Quantitative Analysis", "Comprehensive Experiment on Application of Statistical Analysis Software", "Econometrics", "Marketing Research and Decision Making", and"Frontier of Management", etc.   His research interests focus on energy-economy-environment system and sustainable development.   Prof. Liu presided or participated in several projects and has published more than 90 papers in national and international journals and 13 books.   He also severs as the associate editor of Journal of Sustainable Science and Management, and the editor of Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management.   Prof. Liu has won several awards, including 3 provincial and ministerial science and technology progress awards.

Technical Program Committee